Familyname Janssen

What is known so far?

Some time ago I started researching the family tree of my mother: Rie Janssen . It soon became clear that this family line is a real Gelderland family.

Almost all relatives I have found come from Gelderland, especially the area around Ewijk, Afferden and Deest.

Here you can view the Pedigree [code JANS] of Rie.

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Here you can view the Pedigree [code JANS] of Rie.

The oldest ancestor currently is Herman VAN DUEREN . He was born around 1550.

Take a look in the Ancestral Line [code JANS].

The oldest Janssen namebearer that I have found is Johannes Gijsber(t)s Janssen . Although no date of birth is (yet) known, he would have been born around 1750.

He married Antonia Cornelissen and in 1775 their son Gabriel was baptized in Afferden. They have 5 more children.

You can view the Descendants overview [code JANS] of Johannes here.

For the best result, view this overview on a larger screen, if you still want to open the overview, click here

You can view the Descendants overview [code JANS] of Johannes here