Familyname Willems

What is known so far?

My paternal grandmother is Paulina Willems. She was born on 15-01-1890 at 13:00 in Kekerdom Gem. Ubbergen.
She gets married at the age of 25 to my grandfather Arnoldus Gerardus Klomberg.

They have 5 children, the oldest of which is my father Gerardus.
After 2 more daughters, Maria and Johanna, they have a stillborn daughter on 18-10-1920.

A year later, disaster strikes again: On November 10, 1921, another daughter is born, unfortunately stillborn again.
Within a day after childbirth Paulina dies on november 11 at the age of 31.

View the Pedigree [code WILL] of Paulina.

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View the Pedigree [code WILL] of Paulina.

The oldest ancestor of Paulina currently is, Derck I van Keppel op Verwolde.
He is born around 1198 and dies on July 12, 1227 during the battle at ANE.

Background of the Battle:
From the middle of the 11th century the Bishops of Utrecht were given the lands of Groningen, Overijssel and Drenthe as a fief by the Holy Roman Emperor. In 1141 Hartbert van Bierum, the Bishop of Utrecht gave Groningen and Drenthe as fiefdoms to the brothers Leffard and Ludolf, his vassals. Rivalry amongst the respective heirs, prefect Egbert of Groningen and burgrave Rudolf II of Coevorden led to conflicts between Drenthe and Groningen in which the Drenths fought both with and against the troops of the bishop. This came to a head in the Battle of Ane

Take a look at his Ancestral Line [code WILL].

The oldest Willems namebearer i have found is Peter Decker Henderiks, father of Willem Peters Willems. He is born around 1700 and died February 7, 1779. He married Helena Reijmers and they had 5 children.

View the Descendants [code WILL] of Peter Decker Henderiks.

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View the Descendants [code WILL] of Peter Decker Henderiks.