All ancestors of Gerhard you can view in this Pedigree [code KLOM]
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All ancestors of Gerhard you can view in this Pedigree [code KLOM].
The oldest known name bearer of the Klomberg family name is: JOHANN.
He was born at the end of 1600 near Hanover (Germany).
Here you can view an overview of all the
name bearers-decendants [code KLOM] of Johann.
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The oldest known name bearer of the Klomberg family name is: JOHANN.
He was born at the end of 1600 near Hanover (Germany).
Here you can view an overview of all the name bearers-decendants [code KLOM] of Johann.
Gerhard's most distant ancestor is GERIT RUTTEN . He was baptized about 1570 in Germany. Many of his descendants come from the Kranenburg area.
A complete overview of all his descendants [code KLOM] can be found here.
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Gerhard's most distant ancestor is GERIT RUTTEN . He was baptized about 1570 in Germany. Many of his descendants come from the Kranenburg area.
A complete overview of all his decendants [code KLOM] are found here.
Furthermore, I have found some branches with the Klomberg name, which I cannot yet tie to the large tree:
CHRISTIAN Klomberg [code CHRI]
- born in 1769. This small branch originated in Germany and moved to America.
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CHRISTIAN Klomberg [code CHRI]
- born in 1769. This small branch originated in Germany and moved to America.
HENRY Klomberg [code: HE43]
- born in 1843 , is from Germany and emigrated from Germany to America in 1876. His son Henry is registered in the census of 1920 as Klomburg and his descendants are therefore called Klomburg.
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HENRY Klomberg [code: HE43]
- born in 1843 , is from Germany and emigrated from Germany to America in 1876. His son Henry is registered in the census of 1920 as Klomburg and his descendants are therefore called Klomburg.
JOSEPH Klomberg [code: JOSE]
- Joseph was born approximately in 1850 /1860. This branch comes from Poland and has been based in America since 1913.
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JOSEPH Klomberg [code: JOSE]
- Joseph was born approximately in 1850 /1860. This branch comes from Poland and has been based in America since 1913.
HEINRICH Klomberg [code: HE50]
- born in 1850 . This branch comes from Germany and has been based in America since 1925.
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HEINRICH Klomberg [code: HE50]
- born in 1850 . This branch comes from Germany and has been based in America since 1925.
HEINRICH Klomberg [code: HE64]
- born in 1864 . This is also a small German branch of which few people are known.
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HEINRICH Klomberg [code: HE64]
- born in 1864 . This is also a small German branch of which few people are known.
ALBERT Klomberg [code: ALBE]
- born around 1867 in Germany and emigrated to the USA. He married with Theresa Hanson in Jersey City [USA] in 1894.
At their marriage registration the surname is written as Klomburg and his descendants are called Klomburg from there on.
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ALBERT Klomberg [code: ALBE]
- born around 1867 in Germany and emigrated to the USA. He married with Theresa Hanson in Jersey City [USA] in 1894.
At their marriage registration the surname is written as Klomburg and his descendants are called Klomburg from there on.
AUGUST Klomberg [code: AUGU]
- born in 1878 in Essen-Altendorf and died in 1956. His descendants live in Germany.
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AUGUST Klomberg [code: AUGU]
- born in 1878 in Essen-Altendorf and died in 1956. His descendants live in Germany.
ANTON Klomberg [code: ANTO]
- born in 1884 . Not too many people are known about this small German branch.
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ANTON Klomberg [code: ANTO]
- born in 1884 . Not too many people are known about this small German branch..
WILHELM Klomberg [code: WI85]
- born in 1885 . This is also a small German branch of which few people are known.
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WILHELM Klomberg [code: WI85]
- born in 1885. This is also a small German branch of which few people are known.
WILHELM Klomberg [code: WI89]
- This forefather was born in 1889 . His descendants have been based in Austria since 1939.
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WILHELM Klomberg [code: WI89]
- This forefather was born in 1889 . His descendants have been based in Austria since 1939.
WILHELMINE Klomberg [code: WI92]
- born in 1892 , comes from Germany.
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WILHELMINE Klomberg [code: WI92]
- born in 1892 , comes from Germany.
Finally, there are several persons of whom only small pieces of data are known.