Familyname Klomberg

in the Netherlands

What is known so far?

The tree of the Klomberg family starts around 1880.

At the townhall in Millingen aan de Rijn, a 23-year-old unmarried man from Hau (Germany) walks in to register as a resident on May 5, 1880.

His name: Gerhard Klomberg , born on December 18, 1857 in Schottheide (Germany).
A few years later he meets Johanna Maria Driessen , born on May 13, 1863 at 12:00 in Millingen.

On May 2, 1887, the wedding takes place in Millingen between the 29-year-old Gerhard and the 23-year-old Johanna.

Gerhard and Johanna are our direct line of ancestors; they have ensured that the Klomberg name was spread in the Netherlands.

Here you can see an overview of all the Dutch decendants of the KLOMBERG name [code GERH]

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Here you can see an overview of all the Dutch decendants of the KLOMBERG name [code GERH]

Not only in the Netherlands, but also abroad the familyname KLOMBERG is found.